You're looking for success, clarity and exponential growth in your life or business

What you've tried so far hasn't worked how you wanted it to

 And now you're game to try something different... 

You're ready to take command of your life

You're willing to go all in on YOU

 To unleash the most confident, tuned in, fired up, prosperous and successful version of you

You feel a strong, irresistible urge for more 

You long for FREEDOM and crave a life beyond the norm.

You are searching for it and you won't stop until you find it.

You're tired of the daily grind and want to out of the rat race of working long hours, coming home exhausted, and sacrificing your  time and energy.

You want to feel good.

You want to work less and earn great money doing work you love and so you can enjoy your life

If this is you, know that you're not alone and it is not out of reach.

You want a life of freedom, joy, pleasure, and abundance.

 You refuse to settle you and want it ALL.




I've achieved and surpassed my goals even when all odds were stacked against me

And you can too!

What makes it even better...

When you work with a seasoned coach like myself, you get to bypass many of the trial and error and stumbling blocks I have gone through.

Meaning, a lot of the heavy lifting is already done for you. 

All you need to do is say YES to you and put up a bit of money, energy and time to get there.

And when that coach is as intuitive as I am you get results fast!

What it looks like:

Together we will define and refine your goals which gets to include unlimited prosperity, abundance and deep fulfilling satisfaction.

One of my client’s recently shared that after our work together, she felt as though we had known one another forever and that my insights were a true gift to anyone who was open to experiencing it. 

Apply for 1:1 Coaching now!

This work is also for you if you:


✨ Lack clarity or don’t know what your purpose is
✨ Have a dream you’ve pushed aside or given up on
✨ Put everyone else’s needs ahead of your own
✨ Are feeling drained, unfulfilled and can’t seem to get ahead
✨ Feel stuck and don’t know how to move forward 
✨ Need some motivation and someone to hold you accountable
✨ Want more freedom and more fun in your life
✨ Are willing to do what you need to so you can have the lasting change you want


I am SO IN!

My clients regularly...


✨ Experience massive breakthroughs, huge up levels and growth in their life or business 
✨ Quantum leap into their highest timeline 
 ✨ Upgrade their life in all areas 
✨ Feel deeply supported & held accountable 
✨ Love the clear actionable steps they receive that lead them in the right direction all along the way
✨ Realize and surpass their goals and desires


"Lisa's coaching is absolutely life-changing.

Her sessions empowered me to make real lasting changes. She helped me conquer fears, respect and love myself deeper, and step into my truth. Because of her, I am more confident in myself, my life path, and my connection.

I highly recommend working with her. Thank you, Lisa!"


“Lisa has a reassuring and positive spirit, which shines through in every interaction.

She is amazingly intuitive and was able to share so much with me the moment she became attuned to what I was experiencing. I felt as though we had known one another forever, and she shed light on so many things I had known deep within my heart but needed to hear.

The wisdom Lisa shared has helped to ground and center me ever since we met. Her insight is a true gift to anyone who is open to experiencing it.


“Lisa is so gifted at what she does.

She makes you feel welcome and comfortable right away. I completely believe in her gift. Everything she told me was so accurate and she helped me in so many ways. It was an unforgettable experience.

I am going back to see her again and I have recommended her to many of my friends.

Thank you Lisa, you are an amazing soul!”


"Lisa's life coaching is absolutely incredible.

She helped me take my skills to the next level.

She helped me deepen my connection, upgrade my energy, and integrate a higher level of being.

Because of Lisa, I am grounded and more confident than ever in what I do.

Intuitive Life Coaching has helped me tremendously on a personal and professional level - I highly recommend it!"

✨You get to be great.

You get to be happy.

You get to achieve and receive all you want and more 

You can have the happiness, the success, the joy, the freedom and the fulfillment that you are craving.

 It is all available to you and I am here to show you how.


 As an Intuitive Life & Business coach, my skills are unmatched.  

The incredible breakthroughs, deep activations, and energetic upgrades my clients receive greatly contributes to their success -which you will not receive with a regular coach. 

My unique combination of intuition, support, and accountability ensures your MASSIVE growth. 

We are talking about next level impact, income and success.

Together, we release anything thats holding you back and provide you with clear, actionable steps that will lead you to where you want to be. 

I help you access your power and achieve quantum leaps in your entire life and business.

Whether it's with your business, your relationships, clients, or money... 

Nothing is off limits.

I am here to support you every step of the way.

If you're ready to take your life or business to the next level...

 fill out the application below.

I am SO IN!

Why would you want to hire me as your coach? 


👉 Clarity and Direction: With me by your side you'll gain REAL clarity on your life's goals, purpose and direction which can help you make better decisions, prioritize your goals, and take inspired action with more confidence. 🔥


👉 Intuitive Guidance: To receive guidance and support in real-time, which is especially helpful when you're facing challenges or making important decisions - so you can trust every step you're guided to take.  

👉 Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Together we identify and overcome your limiting beliefs to boost your self-confidence so you can reach your next level of success, abundance, and impact! 💪


👉 More Fulfilling Relationships: We work together to strengthen your communication skills and understand your own needs, which helps your relationships with others, leading to better connections and more fulfilling personal and professional environments. 


👉 Fulfillment and abundance:  I can help you create a life you love, filled with happiness and abundance in all areas. Whether you're looking to increase your wealth, improve your health, or simply feel more content, I got you. ❤️

If you're ready to take your life or business to the next level, and commit to your success..

With the right support and guidance, you can create what you've always wanted.

And that is EXACTLY what I am here for. 

If you are interested, fill out the application now, and I will be in touch!

Apply for 1:1 Coaching now!
The information contained on this website is intended to educate, inspire and entertain you on your personal journey toward health and happiness. It is not intended to replace care best provided by qualified professional and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.