Are you tired of feeling stuck in your life and/or business?
Do you feel like you've been fighting an uphill battle to get any sort of traction, but you're not really getting anywhere?
Or if you are... it is no where close to where you want to be?
Does it feel like you are constantly forcing and pushing things to happen but no matter how hard you try and slog through it and 'do what you need to do' you are left feeling exhausted, frustrated, disappointed and let down when you see little to no results?
Do you feel like you've tried ALL THE THINGS that seem to work for others but if you're being completely honest... it's not working for you?
It doesn't have to be this way, and a part of you remembers that there is another way.
It’s time to stop the struggle start thriving.
Introducing "Surviving to Thriving", the 4 week course for you to stop struggling and start THRIVING.
Where you will learn how I went from being 35K in debt and living pay cheque to paycheque, with my bank account regularly in overdraft to owning a million dollar home, having multiple investments and savings, and traveling the world whenever and wherever I want.
Thriving is my new normal, and I will teach you how it can be yours too.
This is the newest course channeled from spirit and is unlike anything I have taught before. We are talking energy + aligned strategy - customized for you, for your life and/or your business to get tangible results.
The value of this is INSANE!
Imagine waking up every day, excited to do life and/or business from a place of joy.
All while resonating deeply with your soul
And seeing your bank account grow more and more as a result.
It's not just a dream - it's possible! 🔥
I understand how frustrating it can be to try all the things and not see the results you want. But the truth is, you don't have to keep struggling... You can have success while feeling good about what you're doing, without resorting to slimy sales tactics or doing anything else that feels icky for that matter.
And the best part? You can't get it wrong...
When you do what you are meant to do, how you are meant to do it, everything falls into place. You resonate with who you are meant to, you and your products or services are in high demand, and your bank account grows as a result. It's a win-win for everyone involved.
The only way you could get it wrong is by not doing it!

Inside of Surviving to Thriving you will...
You will experience newfound clarity and confidence as you get clear on what you truly want in your life and/or business.
You will feel empowered as you identify and clear energy leaks that have been holding you back from achieving your goals.
You will start to build momentum and see progress as you take aligned action steps towards your desired outcomes.
You will create more space in your life and business, allowing for more of what you want to come in.
You will confidently declare that "HELL YES, IT IS MY TIME!" and step into your power.
You will shift from struggling and forcing things to happen to following your own genius and path, being true to your authentic self.
You will learn how to balance energy and aligned strategy, creating a customized approach for your life and/or unique business needs.
You will learn how to let go, release, clear, heal and solve anything that is preventing you from moving forward
You will attune your frequency to attract more of what you desire.
You will have a proven system that guarantees results if you do the work.
You will feel confident in your ability to achieve success, following your own path and aligned action steps.
You will learn how to overcome any internal obstacles that may have been holding you back.
You will feel supported in your journey and have the option to work privately with me to achieve even greater success.
You will experience greater ease, joy, and abundance as you learn how to attract and receive what you truly desire in your life and business.
Hell yes! I am so in!
In this course, you'll learn how to clear and completely resolve your energy leaks, build momentum, and align your strategy with your authentic way.
You'll discover how to attune your frequency, and create a custom plan that works for you.
You'll also learn how to take aligned action steps towards your goals.
This course includes a proven system that will guarantee you results if you do the work.
You'll learn how to be unapologetically you and attract what you truly want in your life and business. No more chasing after what everyone else is doing. It's time to strip away the noise and get back to your way.

If you're ready for more ease, joy, and success in your life and business, then "Surviving to Thriving" is for you. Say goodbye to the hamster wheel and hello to more traction, more clients, more money, and more joy. It's time to hit the "HELL YES, IT IS MY TIME BABY!" button and start thriving today.
What's included?
△ Instant access to the 4-week, self-paced, online program.
△ Clearing Blocks to Success Audio.
△ Momentum to gain Momentum Bonus Masterclass.
△ Expedite your desires with the secret code of the universe Bonus Materclass.
△ Road Opening to manifest your next level you desire Bonus Materclass.
Hell yes! I am so in!
I’m Lisa Stamper. I live my life fully led by my soul and I work with incredible humans like you, who are on a spiritual journey and know they are meant for more and are willing to invest in themselves to get there.
I get you aligned in your whole self so you can create your life of your dreams and even more then you ever thought possible!
I am living proof that all you want is meant for you. I went from being 35K in debt and living pay cheque to paycheque, with my bank account regularly in overdraft to owning a million dollar home, having multiple investments and savings, and travelling the world whenever and wherever I want, living a life of joy… and now I teach others how to do the same.
I truly love freedom and travel, and my business allows me to be fully location free.
After many years of being scared of what others would think and not speaking my truth I finally said yes to my purpose and sharing my souls messages.
And here we are.
I feel so blessed to travel the world sharing my message and building an incredible online community of soul led, inspired people from all walks of life; healers, light workers, visionaries, entrepreneurs, doctors, accountants, chefs, leaders, creatives, innovators and more.
Each day I get to do what I love, and you can too!

I help motivate, educate, empower and inspire you to do life and business led by your soul to create all you want and more.
I’ve manifested my dream life of working part time so I can do what I want, when I want to!
Including spending time doing what I love, filling myself up without feeling pressure to rush onto the next thing, while making a ton of cash by speaking my truth and following the path of my soul.
I don’t do anything that doesn’t feel like a FULL hell yes for me.
I built my business on me being me, fully authentic, in deep integrity, shooting straight from the hip, leading others where they were born to go.
You do not have to be anything other than who and what you already are to create all of this...
What you need to be is: